Burner Definition

Burner (noun): An elaborate mural painted by an urban artist, usually on the side of a subway or railcar.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Artists - Invitation Only

Sorry for the confusion, but the 2011 Balcones Burner Bash is going to be invitation only. We have opened up the battle to artists within the state of Texas, but at this point the competition is not set up for an open call. Once we become more established we do intend to accept portfolios for possible inclusion in the event. Should this ever become the case, you'll see it first here.

Don't be disappointed though because there are still other ways to be involved. Interested in volunteering your time or being a sponsor? Are you a vendor that would like the opportunity to distribute your product? This is a big event, and we can use all the help we can get. Please contact us and see how you or your company can get involved and help us raise awareness and money for a good cause.

Otherwise you can just come out and support the cause and see who will take away this year's prize money and champion title.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Balcones Burner Bash 2011 Date Picked!

Get excited because the 2011 Balcones Burner Bash is officially on the calendar for April 16, and we are already planning for the big event. Big is a great way to describe it because it is going to be bigger and better than 2010. All the details aren't worked out, but we hope to open the competition up to artists throughout Texas, raise more money for the Wildflower Center, and perhaps have some additional entertainment elements to be announced. Stay tuned for details as we get them worked out. If you are interested in getting involved or sponsorship opportunities, contact Brooke at bgetter@balconesresources.com.